Career Opportunities at ARA with Dr. Greg Connor
Anchor: From MRIs to mammograms, ARA provides comprehensive imaging care for you and your family throughout your lifetime. We’ve got Dr. Greg Connor, President of ARA Diagnostic Imaging, here to share what makes their team so special. We always love when your team’s here. Can you tell us exactly what a radiologist is?
Dr: Thanks, Taylor. Thanks for having us. A radiologist is a medical doctor who has done extensive training to become an expert in medical imaging and diagnosis. After about after 8 years of college and medical school, they go on to do residency and training for an additional 6 years to gain that expertise.
Anchor: So, we’re talking about some really smart individuals who you’re in good hands with it sounds like.
Dr: Yes.
Anchor: So, ARA has been in Central Texas for a long time. When were y’all founded?
Dr: We have. We were founded in 1954. So, we’ve been in Central Texas for about 65 years now and have grown with Austin to provide medical care for the community.
Anchor: Mmhm, so if you’ve grown with Austin, then you’ve grown rapidly.
Dr: Yeah.
Anchor: What kind of services do you offer?
Dr: Well, as you mentioned at the outset, we offer everything from X-rays for broken bones to MRIs, CT scans, and PET/CT imaging.
Anchor: Mm, wow. So, what’s it like to work at ARA? Cause you have a robust team it feels like.
Dr: We do. We have a great work culture. We were recently named by the Austin American-Statesman as one of the Top Workplaces in Central Texas to work. And we’re hiring now for lots of different specialties. Medical technologists, scheduling specialists, billing & insurance specialists, the whole gamut.
Anchor: So, there’s quite a spectrum of things you can get involved in. What would you want someone to know about what it’s like to work at ARA?
Dr: Well, we take a lot of pride in the culture at ARA. We feel like we have a great team and work together very well to provide compassionate healthcare for our community.
Anchor: So, your employees like being there. What kind of feedback do you get from patients?
Dr: Patients seem to really appreciate that our employees like working at ARA and really seem to go the extra mile to provide them that kind of compassionate care when they’re with us.
Anchor: So, you mentioned some different jobs. How would someone find out more about those or read, like, more detailed information?
Dr: Right. Well, we’ve got a webpage where you can find out more about the careers that we’re looking for now. It’s
Anchor: And as President of ARA, what do you like most about your job?
Dr: Well, it’s just challenging and it’s fun. It’s fun to work with such a great, high-skilled team that loves what they do.
Anchor: Mmhm. What would you like people to know about radiology in general?
Dr: Well, that we are very invested in providing the best healthcare that we can for our patients and our community.
Anchor: Yeah, and what’s nice is that you have so many locations around Austin that it’s convenient for someone no matter where they live.
Dr: That’s right.
Anchor: So, how do we find you and make that next appointment?
Dr: Well, again, will provide you all the information about where our clinics are located, and which one is closest to you.
Anchor: Awesome. And again, the focus for today was careers and hiring so you would definitely encourage people to go check that out.
Dr: That’s right. Thanks.
Anchor: Thanks so much, Dr. Connor.
Dr: Thanks a lot, Taylor.