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Imaging made easy for orthopedists.
TraumaCad and PACS integration

ARA understands the specialty needs of the orthopedic community which is why we have integrated TraumaCad with ARA PACS.


This combination of technology allows orthopedic surgeons to plan surgical procedures in a completely digital environment. ARA and TraumaCad have co-developed an interface, which allows our PACS users to easily import images to the surgical preplanning solution for manipulation then save them back to ARA PACS for use in surgery. The solution is available to users anywhere as a thin-client Web-based solution.



TraumaCad enables import and export of any PACS file (X-ray, CT, MR) from the local workstation or central PACS system. The ruler tool facilitates precise calibration, so templates will be effectively compared to PACS images. In addition to length, width and diameter, TraumaCad measures leg length discrepancy, Cobb angle, mechanical and anatomic axis measurements, mal-alignment tests, and more.

By automatically providing calibrated on-screen implant images, TraumaCad dramatically expedites the implant evaluation and selection process. Several scenarios can be recorded and compared to find the optimal implant. Once a template is chosen, it can be easily scaled and manipulated. Once the planning of a procedure is completed, a full report is saved and sent to the patient’s PACS study, ensuring convenient access.



If your practice has an interest in digital orthopedic planning we would like to help. There is no qualification or cost to use this technology. It is being offered to ARA’s PACS users as an additional technical enhancement of our digital imaging services. Your ARA PACS authentication can be used to download TraumaCad and on-site training is available for physicians and clinical staff.

To download the thin client, click on the following link: TRAUMACAD CLIENT.  For training, please call ARA’s IT support staff at (512) 531-7227.

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